Some tools to take you to the next level with CSS.



Jordan Brady

Level Up Your CSS

Firefox <3 CSS Devs

  • Dev Tools - Inspector
  • Style Editor
  • Grid Inspector
  • Flexbox Inspector

Firefox Dev Tools

Allows you to examine, edit, and debug HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Open with

[CMD] + [OPT] + [ i ] (Mac)

[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [ i ] (Windows)

Let's take a look -->

Rules View

The Rules view lists all the rules that apply to the selected element, ordered from most-specific to least-specific:

Layout Panel

The Layout Panel shows the Box Model and how it is applied to the selected element.

Computed Panel

This panel shows the calculated value that each CSS property has for the selected element:

Changes Panel

This panel shows all CSS that you have changed in browser.

Firefox Style Editor

Allows you to view and edit associated stylesheets as well as create new stylesheets from scratch.

Style Sheet Pane

Editor Pane

Media Sidebar

Firefox Grid Inspector

The Grid Inspector allows you to examine CSS Grid Layouts using the Firefox DevTools, discover grids present on a page, examine and modify them, debug layout issues, and more.

Let's take a look -->

Firefox Flexbox Inspector

The Flexbox Inspector allows you to examine CSS Flexbox Layouts using the Firefox DevTools, discover flex containers on a page, examine and modify them, debug layout issues, and more.

Let's take a look -->